Eco Friendly Shoe SOURCE.

{November 29, 2008}   Cozy Vegan Booties

Hello World! For my first post I wanted to share some adorable vegan booties I came across while looking for great deals. My first stop was one of my favorite eco-concious designers, Stella McCartney. stella_mccartney_bootie1 Stella McCarntney has masterfully combined vegan and styling in this hot little number. This bootie is sure to become a staple in your winter wardrobe and can be paired perfectly with your faithful hemp turtlenecks. It comes in black and is currently on special at an affordable green $539.

I also discovered Linneah, a cozy slingback bootie, at Cri de Coeur, another eco-responsible European shoe maker. Check out their 2008 Fall/Winter line, which features a great selection of fashionable booties and boots. cdc-linneah



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